The Solo Dad Podcast
Conversations around grief, grit, and getting going again with living after the loss of a partner or influential person in your life. Widowers talk openly about parenting, relationships, and grief.
29 episodes
Episode 3.3 Abel Keogh Widower Author, Blogger, and Relationship Coach
“It’s different now and that’s OK,” says Abel Keogh, author, blogger, relationship coach and host of YouTube channel Widower Wednesday. Abel became a widower 21 years ago at the age of 26 when his wife took her own life while she was seven mont...
Season 3
Episode 3

Episode 3.2 When and How to Be Ready to Date Again
“I’m worth whatever I think I’m worth,” says Ken, describing the mindset he adopted while beginning to date after losing his wife. Rather than thinking of their widower status as baggage, solo dads who are preparing to date again should remembe...
Season 3
Episode 2

Episode 3.1 John S. UK to Canada, Cancer during COVID Dad of 2
“I’m still on a kind of mixed-grief journey, I guess,” says John Smith, father of two, who lost his wife Kathy to colon cancer nearly two years ago. She was diagnosed just as the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 an official emergency...
Season 3
Episode 1

Episode 2.12 Jim T. Widowed Twice and Still Standing
“You’re never done with grief,” says Jim T., who has the rare distinction of being twice widowed. His first wife Melinda was killed in a car accident shortly after they moved to Knoxville Tennessee to found an Eastern Orthodox Church there. Mel...
Season 2
Episode 12

Episode 2.11 Jay A Widower and Now Mindset Coach
Content warning: this episode talks about suicide and parental/spouse death.“It's not the loss that causes your pain. It's your thoughts and feelings about it,” says Jay Deutsch, who joins the podcast, serendipitously, on the birt...
Season 2
Episode 11

Episode 2.10 Dating Again
“You’re not only experimenting with dating, you’re experimenting with your new self,” says Ken Brown as he joins The Solo Dad Podcast along with Ben Janoski to discuss what it means to return to the dating world as young widowers with children....
Season 2
Episode 10

Episode 2.9 Jo Ann and Mathew: Solo Mom Talks to Solo Dad
Mathew talks to his mother Jo Ann, who became a widow at the age of 37, after Mathew’s father died of a massive heart attack while on a business trip. Jo Ann soon moved Mathew, then 11, and his 6-year-old brother Jonathan from Southern Californ...
Season 2
Episode 9

Episode 2.8 Girldad Nation Podcast Interview
Solo But Not Alone - Mathew BradleyWhen he lost his wife, Marci, to cancer in 2018, Matt was left to navigate raising his one-year-old daughter, Blair, on his own. Matt reached out to other dads dealing with loss, and in 2021 he launche...
Season 2
Episode 8

Episode 2.6 Ben and Matt Dissecting Dads Anger and Frustration
Ben is partaking in - https://drinkspindrift.com/Matt is enjoying - https://oldforgedistillery.com/spirits/moonshine/oatmeal-cookie-moonshine/Anger management ideas:https://www.fatherly.com/anger-management/E...
Season 2
Episode 6

Episode 2.2 Widow Wednesday Jeff K. Father of 2 young boys, Ovarian Cancer Widower
Season 2
Episode 2

Episode 2.1 Chasing Kids and Hitting Walls
Season 2Ben and Matt catch up after taking a much needed break that was extended by injury.
Season 2
Episode 1

Episode 1.11 Widower Weds Meet Adam - Solo Dad of 3 Young Daughters, Breast Cancer widower
Widow Wednesday - Meet Adam, young father of 3 daughters, made a widower after his wife journey with breast cancer come to an end. He shares is long relationship with loss in his life, early struggles with addiction, all preparing him for the m...
Season 1
Episode 11

Episode 1.10.2 Saddest ABC Song Ever, Taking Credit for the Successes, and more Ken, Ben and Matt
Matt, Ben and Ken catch up, talk end of summer trips, beginning of school planning, and how being flexible is paramount in this Solo Dad journey. Talking about how to outsource things we can't do and when NOT to measure yourself against an impo...
Season 1
Episode 10

Episode 1.10.1 Back to School Preparations, Blending the New and the Old trips - Ken, Ben and Matt
Matt, Ben and Ken catch up, talk end of summer trips, beginning of school planning, and how being flexible is paramount in this Solo Dad journey. Talking about how to outsource things we can't do and when NOT to measure yourself against an impo...

Episode 1.9 Summer is over, Back To School preparations - Matt and Ben
Matt and Ben talk about end of summer, and preparing for back to school as the solo parent. Making decisions in a relationship vacuum. Tools such as password keepers, "mom calendars", and other tools to help. Find us...
Season 1
Episode 9

Episode 1.7 Seven Widows & A Wedding
Matt and Ben catch up after attending a friend and fellow widows wedding. Listen as they talk about the feelings and emotions that come up with going to a wedding, watching a friend find love again, and so much more.Find us where eve...
Season 1
Episode 7

Episode 1.6.2 Matt Ben and Ken
The conversation continues about dating, telling the kiddos, and all the fun stuff that comes with trying to date again.